TV|TV&Video spot | Arch.reconst.& visuel.| TV&Music spot |Graph design | Industry designn| Art |



Industry D e s i g n

Fesw years development program for Electronic industry - Nis.

Artograf made a few prototype of
somebody very famous computers.

One of wich prototypel - functional model - 1984. godine.

PECOM 32, PECOM 128, Industry terminals.

 Plastic model - epoxid pitch 
Eventful check quality before decidedly ulaska
firme u investiciju pravljenja alata.

Posebno su znacajni za marketinsko ispitivanje trzista buducih korisnika i pre nego su ovi proizvodi usli u serijsku proizvodnju. 


Sledeca strana
Web master

TV|TV&Video spot | Arch.reconst.& visuel.| TV&Music spot |Graph design | Industry designn| Art |

PECOM 128 - 1986

Jedan od prototipova INDUSTIJSKOG TERMINALA.

Prvi YU Terminal 1982.