TV|TV&Video spot | Arch.reconst.& visuel.| TV&Music spot |Graph design | Industry designn| Art |

reconstruction  and 

Comp. visualisation
of church "St. Epair Constantin"   - 1998..


ARTOGRAF made reconstruction of a few medival churches such as St. Archangel monestery which was entirely restored on the basis of drawings from the foundation up to its apex. 

Another interesting project was reconstruction of the catholic church in the city of Nis and also computer simulation of exterior design of St.Emperor Constantine church .

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TV|TV&Video spot | Arch.reconst.& visuel.| TV&Music spot |Graph design | Industry designn| Art |

Comp. visualisation
of monument  "King Alexander on the horse"

Stonehadge megalit complex from England
reconstruction from
music spot:
"Rubber Soul" - 1998.

Building from old town
from Nish -1998.